Important! Schedule Change

Sometimes it has to happen! Although we have no intention to have to make changes to the schedule, sometimes it has to happen. Due to schedule conflicts, Travursity had to make a decision to move the last show of the Spring 2016 season from Newark, NJ area to the Philadelphia, PA market. Although we certainly… View Article

Travel Agent Response is High for Travursity Travel Showcase!!

Wow! All we can say is how excited we are as our showcases are coming together! We have had a tremendous response from travel agents and can’t believe all the interest and registrations we are receiving for our events. Not only are the agents signing up, so are the suppliers who are very excited to… View Article

Happy New Year!!

      From all of us at

Happy Holidays from Travursity Travel Showcase

May your holidays be warm and safe and filled with joy! On behalf of all of us at Travursity Travel Showcase, we wish you all the happiest and merriest holiday season and look forward to seeing all of our wonderful agents and incredibly supportive suppliers at our events in 2016!