Where in the Fall does Travursity Travel?

As the summer rolls on and the heat index escalates to new highs on an almost never ending pattern; we at Travursity Travel Showcase are looking forward to the upcoming Fall schedule of events.  Although a break from the hot temperatures are only a precursor to the bone chilling cold of winter, Travursity’s Fall schedule… View Article

2017 Showcase Schedule is Out!!

Travursity Travel Showcase is excited to release the schedule of events for 2017 and we look forward to the many new and exciting destinations we have in store for next year! Our first half of the year takes us to new locations such as Tampa Bay, FL and Nashville, TN where Travursity looks to break… View Article

Travursity’s Bright Outlook After 1st Successful Season Concludes

Travursity Travel Showcase has wrapped up its first season and with it comes a bright outlook for the show’s future.  From Ft. Lauderdale to New Jersey and many events along the way; Travursity has welcomed travel agents and travel suppliers in a united effort to build relationships that strengthen the bottom line of everyone who… View Article

Travursity Travel Showcase Wraps Up in New Jersey!!

The last showcase of our Inaugural Spring Season concluded last Wednesday with one of the largest group of travel agents in attendance! Mt. Laurel, NJ was the sight for this event and the agents came out in force rivaling the attendance in St. Louis a couple of weeks ago. “What we are seeing”, said Vince… View Article